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#1 PC multimedia package


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Price: $1,200.00

Cheap Test Product


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Price: $0.01

Palmtop Computer


The very latest in palmtop technology. All the power of a PC in a pocket sized system. Great for the mobile business person.
Price: $199.00

PC Keyboard


With ergonomic tactile key action, this is a "must buy" for all PC users, home and professional alike. Connects via your PC's serial or PS2 port.
Price: $19.00
Out of Stock

PC Monitor


17" full color flat screen monitor, with 0.25 dot resolution and 16.25" viewable area.
Price: $299.00

PC Mouse


Indispensible for using your PC, this mouse has easyglide action and simple connectivity to get your PC up and surfing the internet in no time.
Price: $7.00

PC Serial Cable


Can be used for connecting PC systems to peripheral devices such as serial printers and scanners.
Price: $2.50

Portable PC


For those on the go, this portable PC is just the thing. Your choice of processor, 256mb ram and 4gb harddisk make this the perfect solution for all types of applications. Buy now while stocks last.
Price: $1,250.00

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